Mother's Times

Lilith is not light and fluffy, she’s no fairy floss. She's dark and intense, more 90% cocoa and less milk chocolate. Naturally she prefers darkness and dark things, black as opposed to white.

Her preferred day is Friday and at night time. I was ordained her Priestess Friday night, May 4th, 2018. A night that will forever, be etched in my heart and soul as I bathed in red wine symbolising her blood.

Mother's also known as the Dark Moon Goddess for a reason. She loves this time, when the night is not illuminated by moonlight as her owl takes flight seeking prey.

The dark moon is opposite to a full moon, this is when the crescent is minimal and there's barely any light (waning crescent moon). Remember, Mother Lilith is not a witch, she needs no full moon for spells, and at least 12 hours every day, after sunset, belongs to her.

She loves eclipses, both solar and lunar, when the world is shrouded in darkness.

All these times is when she's closest, and they're ideal for meditating, making your offering, praying or just having a conversation with her.

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