Lilith – Desert Queen

In summary , the first passage in the Book of Genesis refers to the creation of Adam and his first wife, Lilith, while the second set of passages, refers to the creation of Eve.

Lilith fought Adam at every opportunity, angry about his sexist, chauvinistic and misogynistic ways. Frustrated, Lilith says the secret name of Yahweh (God), sprouts wings, and flies out of the Garden of Eden to the desert shores of the Red Sea.

She makes her home in a desert cave, and there she takes demons** as lovers, giving birth to her children, the Lilin. The Lilin are the Succubi and Incubi. Lilith is known as the Queen of the Desert, as it is there, she made her home. She is also a Wind Spirit, much like the desert winds, wild and untamed.

After Lilith leaves, Adam complains to Yahweh (God), who sends the angels Snvi, Snsvi, and Smnglof (also known as Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof ) to get Lilith to return. She refuses and these angels massacre one hundred of her Lilin children every day. Still, Lilith refused.

She did return to the Garden of Eden, in the guise of a serpent and tempts Eve with an apple. There are many paintings showing a half-woman, half-serpent in the Tree of Knowledge, handing the apple to Eve.

** Samael, who works with creatures of the night.

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