Lilith’s Sigil – What it means.

Mother Lilith signifies different things to different people, her sigil, likewise. For some time, I’ve been wondering what her sigil means and it finally came to me last night.

The symbol in the center is Saturn’s symbol, a scythe or sickle ♄. A scythe is a tool for cutting down things especially weed and chaff. This symbol has been traced to Byzantine codices found in Greek papyri.

The two ‘fallen’ crosses, on either side means that Judaism and Christianity has failed, is no longer of any significance nor influence in the world.

Be True

It is said truth hurts. I'm taking about being true, not to anyone else but to yourself.

Nothing hurts more than lies, especially lies to yourself.

I'm bi but leaning more towards being a lez. What would have happened if I collapsed under peer and family pressure to get married, have kids and lead a so called “normal” life?

Not only would I have been unhappy, but I would have wallowed in despair or done something much worse.

One of the central tenets of Lilith is to be honest with yourself.

Years ago, I remember asking my mom “Why is my hair not blonde, why are my eyes not blue?”
Her reply was “You are who you are. Be true to yourself.”

Lilith ~ Queen of the Desert

Lilith ~ Queen of the Desert
from Isaiah 34

14 Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts,
satyrs shall call to one another;
There shall the Lilith repose,
and find for herself a place to rest.

15 There the hoot owl shall nest
and lay eggs, hatch them out
and gather them in her shadow;
There shall the kites assemble,
none shall be missing its mate.

Mother's Times

Lilith is not light and fluffy, she’s no fairy floss. She's dark and intense, more 90% cocoa and less milk chocolate. Naturally she prefers darkness and dark things, black as opposed to white.

Her preferred day is Friday and at night time. I was ordained her Priestess Friday night, May 4th, 2018. A night that will forever, be etched in my heart and soul as I bathed in red wine symbolising her blood.

Mother's also known as the Dark Moon Goddess for a reason. She loves this time, when the night is not illuminated by moonlight as her owl takes flight seeking prey.

The dark moon is opposite to a full moon, this is when the crescent is minimal and there's barely any light (waning crescent moon). Remember, Mother Lilith is not a witch, she needs no full moon for spells, and at least 12 hours every day, after sunset, belongs to her.

She loves eclipses, both solar and lunar, when the world is shrouded in darkness.

All these times is when she's closest, and they're ideal for meditating, making your offering, praying or just having a conversation with her.

Lilith – Desert Queen

In summary , the first passage in the Book of Genesis refers to the creation of Adam and his first wife, Lilith, while the second set of passages, refers to the creation of Eve.

Lilith fought Adam at every opportunity, angry about his sexist, chauvinistic and misogynistic ways. Frustrated, Lilith says the secret name of Yahweh (God), sprouts wings, and flies out of the Garden of Eden to the desert shores of the Red Sea.

She makes her home in a desert cave, and there she takes demons** as lovers, giving birth to her children, the Lilin. The Lilin are the Succubi and Incubi. Lilith is known as the Queen of the Desert, as it is there, she made her home. She is also a Wind Spirit, much like the desert winds, wild and untamed.

After Lilith leaves, Adam complains to Yahweh (God), who sends the angels Snvi, Snsvi, and Smnglof (also known as Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof ) to get Lilith to return. She refuses and these angels massacre one hundred of her Lilin children every day. Still, Lilith refused.

She did return to the Garden of Eden, in the guise of a serpent and tempts Eve with an apple. There are many paintings showing a half-woman, half-serpent in the Tree of Knowledge, handing the apple to Eve.

** Samael, who works with creatures of the night.

Lilith in the Bible

In the Book of Genesis - Chapter 1 says.

27 God created man in the image of himself,
in the image of God he created him,
male and female he created them.
…but then in Book of Genesis - Chapter 2 it goes on to say

20 The man gave names to all the cattle,
all the birds of heaven
and all the wild animals.
But no helper suitable
for the man was found for him.

21 Then, Yahweh God made the man
fall into a deep sleep.
And, while he was asleep,
he took one of his ribs
and closed the flesh up again forthwith.

22 Yahweh God fashioned the rib he had taken
from the man into a woman,
and brought her to the man.

23 And the man said: This one at last is
bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh!
She is to be called Woman, because
she was taken from Man.

It appears that God made women twice, in Chapter 1, on the fifth day, God created man in the image of himself, both male and female created together, simultaneously.

But then why did God create a woman in chapter 2 "because Adam had no suitable helper?"

The most common reason put forward is that Lilith is said to have been the first woman in the world and was created by God at the same time as he created Adam (Chapter 1). It is said that Lilith was then banished and rejected by God after it was found that she was stronger and more intelligent than Adam and she would not obey the commands of Adam.

The instance often quoted is when the couple is having sex,
Lilith says, "I will not lie below."
Adam will reply, "I will not lie beneath you, but only on top. For you are fit only to be in the bottom position, while I am to be the superior one."
Lilith then says, "We are equal to each other in as much as we were both created from the earth."

Picture Lilith Leaving Adam's Bed - by Lilian Broca

The Owl*

His velvet wing sweeps through the night:
With magic of his wondrous sight
He oversees his vast domain,
And king supreme of night doth reign.

Around him lies a silent world,
The day with all its noise is furled;
When every shadow seems a moon,
And every light a sun at noon.

~Elizabeth Sears Bates

*Lilith's sacred animal is the Screech Owl

Who is Lilith?

Is she a Goddess? Demon? Wind Spirit? Vampire? Cultural Force? First Woman? Archetype of the Dark Feminine?

What does she look like? Is Lilith a she, a Female? Hermaphrodite? Androgyne? Sexy seductress? An owl with a beak and talons? Or a hairy, indeterminate figure with the lower body of a goat?

Lilith defies description, there is no single definition that fits, those who have seen her, she wears a million different faces. Over time she has been all things to all people.

And that is the way it should be. She's compassionate or heartless, vengeful or benevolent, but she will always care. She is very personal, so yes, I will refer to Lilith as she/ her.

She will answer your call if you petition, in your time of need, when you're at your crossroads, the nadir point in your life.

She will advise, guide, cajole, assist but don't expect her to intervene directly. She's not like that. You have to want to change. It's her way of making you stronger, making sure you'll weather what's ahead.

So who is Lilith? For me, she's my Mother, nurturing, smacking when I'm out of line, she's my Light, my guide and anchor as I wander the earthly and astral planes.