Is Lilith, God’s creation?

There are those who say that God created man and woman together (Book of Genesis 1: 27-28), that they were created equal. Lilith couldn’t stand being subordinated to Adam, she called out God’s name and flew away.

If this were true, I ask…
Why then is Lilith now a Goddess, while Adam is nowhere to be found?
To name someone is to have authority over them, how did Lilith know God’s real name?
Why did God create Lilith and Adam from the ground, when we all know that life creation is the sole domain of woman?

The Bible is a load of bullshit, written by males...
To bring Lilith down to the level of Adam;
To say Lilith was created by a male God;
To patronize womankind by hinting that Lilith represents their interests by refusing to lie below Adam.

Mother Lilith is old, if not superior, then equal to “God.” She predates "God's" creation, she is a God, the female divine that has walked all planes since the beginning of time. The Book of Genesis was written around 10 BCE. Lilith appeared in Sumerian writing on a tablet at Ur dating back to 2,000 BCE.

The Bible attempts to make Lilith less divine, not a Goddess, but "God's" rebellious creation.

1 comment:

  1. Lilith is quoted in the epic of Gilgamesh, as a maiden of Inanna.
