Lilith and Samael

Mother Lilith is the consort and lover of Samael. Some believe that Lilith and Satan are a couple but this is not correct. Samael is not Satan, and many may have confused the two. Satan and Lilith have never been together, and have no connection in the outer spiritual world.

Samael is an archangel (but not one of the seven). He has been called the Slant Serpent , the Adversary, the Accuser (by Satan), the Seducer, and the Destroyer, and is regarded as both good and evil. Samael works with creatures of the night.

Lilith and Samael, have many children together, they are called the Lilin. The Lilin are the Succubi and Incubi. To prevent the Lilin from filling the world, it is said that God castrated Samael.

The other important thing to note is that Mother Lilith is not a man hater. Her feminine energies, through Samael, balances the masculine divine. She can through her priestess empower and nurture masculine energies.

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